
Saint Isaac of Syria Humility

Saint Isaac of Syria Humility Fr Doug Lorig was a convert. He passed away Feb 28, 2019. I just found this site. What a few riches in store for those who visit! I need to hear his voice.  And this Motto  "At every minute, do what love requires"  Put down your ideology, at this moment, what does love require? So pertinent for today!! is this pearl -- Listen to  Saint Isaac of Syria Isaac's Prayer 'A Merciful Heart' and then you will understand Fratelli Tutti


When are kids spontaneously grateful for a gift?  Usually when they least expect getting one.  Something in them will always receive a gift.  Of course they (we too) start to want to have better and bigger things.  This problem in our world of always wanting the better object, shinier, more bling, more options, keeps our inner child from being capable from just being present to the gift happening now. This morning my husband gave me a line out of his morning readings,  "The proper attitude before an object is virtue"  We read often from one of the books whose author is Fr Giussani .  It would be easy to say, OK, now I will pay attention to when I have virtue which would be identified by a sense of gratitude and try and cultivate that position.  Not entirely incorrect! More complete, cultivate the sense of wonder.  The wonder of a child before the unexpected gift. Every moment Our Lord is giving us something.  Something that we are asked to participate in.  Our first po

My life is not my own

Today is Monday half way through Lent.  I am avoiding Facebook for a little bit this year and any alcohol in communion with my husband who is also abstaining.  For those non Catholics that may be visiting this site, welcome.  This site is a work in progress just like any life is and I will post to my hearts content. Off I run to be with my toddler that keeps me on my toes and is a constant reminder that my life is not my own.  In obedience I go to help her grow in awareness of being loved and of her place in our family.


Good Day! Update: March 5, 2018 So it seems I post during the Lent season when my best intentions begin again!  I am going to use this site for my own journaling. Feel free to look around. I have removed posts that were of a specific middle school nature in order to begin cleanly! I am currently teaching an alive and happy class of 3rd and 4th graders preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. If you feel called to this beautiful work consider the following: The definition of a catechist :  A catechist is a practicing Catholic in good standing with a heart fixed on God and His Bride, the Church. He or she responds to the universal call to holiness by teaching Jesus Christ and His message of forgiveness, mercy and salvation to others. Catechists are those teachers who endeavor to bear witness through words and deeds to the Truth that is Christ--and to put people not only in touch but in communion with Him (Catechesi Tradendae, 5).   fro